Australia My Land Travel Pack
Australia My Land
Stacpoole Music and Internet
Stacpoole Music and Internet

original music - website development and marketing



The Internet Market

Lyle has been developing his Information Technology (IT) skills for nearly thirty years and Web Design since 1996.

Lyle has many years experience in business management, sales and training, computer programs and databases, website development, and experience in the recording studio.



Our Services

Lyle first placed a website online in 1996, being one of the first half million in the world as the internet kicked off in ernest! Although from a music aspect his website has not made a lot it did get him started in a new secular direction.

In 2007 Lyle completed his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of New England at Armidale, New South Wales, majoring in Music and in Communications Studies. This led to his further developing his website skills and starting his own business in 2006.



About Us

Lyle Stacpoole has been writing original songs since the age of ten.

But his ability to write was not fully realised until at the age of 17 he was first introduced to music theory, and the music behind the songs started to be revealed.

Lyle entered the studio for the first time in 1981 to record a demo of 6 songs. Although there was some interest in the songs from the music industry, and one song almost got on a Brisbane radio stations collection of local original artists, nothing transpired from the venture except valuable experience, and some instrumental tracks that are still worth listening to.

With the progress made in technology and a few trips to the recording studio since, Lyle continues to record and produce a number of albums and cds for release.

You can listen to some of the recordings NOW AVAILABLE on the ORIGINAL MUSIC PAGE



Contact Us

Stacpoole Music

original music - website development and marketing

PO Box 410 Mount Barker WA 6324

ABN 32 990 260 113